Our Lady of Fatima Kiriko Girls High School (OLFKGHS)

In 1966, a desire to have a sec­ondary school within the reach of local community’s children saw parents pool resources and from their action, a school re­ceiving both boys and girls hap­pened. Through the ups and downs that most local schools started through such initiatives experience, Kiriko Secondary School had it all. From a local catchment area, the now well-known Our Lady of Fati­ma Kiriko Girls High School (OLFKGHS) attracts students and staff from across the coun­try. Our school has a population of over 650 girls

Our school is founded on a Catho­lic tradition.

The OLF Kiriko Girls Teaching Staff

Our Vision

To be a role model in academic excellence and discipline among secondary schools in Kenya

Our Mission

To impart knowledge and self-reliance skills to learners to enable them face the challenging world

Our Commitment

To embrace professionalism, Modern technology and innovativeness in order to be more efficient and effective in provision of quality and relevant education as per the ministry of education (M.O.E)

Our school is known for its rich reputation for academic excellence. We are also proud of our many achievements in drama, Music and games over the years. However, we all know that to grow and improve as a school we must always be open to new ideas and perspectives.

Our parents have played a big role of making Our Lady of Fatima their ”school of choice “by enabling infrastructural de­velopment.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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