Our Lady of Fati­ma Kiriko Girls High School (OLFKGHS)
B.O.M CHAIR - Dr. Vincent G. Gaitho, ph. D

Our Board of Management and Par­ents Association are an icon of hope and have worked tirelessly to ensure all projects budgeted for are done on time and given attention to details. As long as we have a dedicated team, aiming for the same goal everything can be achieved.

With a student population of over 650 girls, the school which is Catholic Church spon­sored runs under the watch of diverse membership of well-mo­tivated and supportive Board of management whose operation is hinged on specialized committees. The Catholic Church is at hand to support the spiritual nourish­ment of situated in a community that form a great neighborhood and fallback assets whenever need be.

ArchBishop His Eminence Philip Arnold Anyolo in our school together with the BOM Chair (far left( the principal (far right) and other members of the BOM

Through the parents’ support, the school has witnessed tremen­dous development of infrastruc­ture though more is required if we have to make the girls study in the desired ambience. The BOM is of course appreciative of the teamwork that has seen OLFKGHS become competitive in the academ­ic space though we desire that have every girl brought under our care experience true transformation as a well-rounded individual.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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