The department consists of the following:

  1. Mr Sakiti Kevin – HOD
  2. Mr Mburu Kelvin – HOS
  3. Mr Kariuki Charles
  4. Mr Mwaura Charles
  5. Mr Kamau Ignatius
  6. Mr Wanderi Wilson
  7. Ms Verna Allivitsa

The members of the department are in place to see the performance go higher by having the following programs.

Sunday 2-4 PM Form 4s syllabus coverage

Thursday – Lunch time speed test for form 3s and 4s

Monday to Friday 9:15 – 9:45pm – 5 Sums a day for all forms.

Fortnight CATS done sfter every 2 weeks

Team teaching

The department handles one subject (mathematics) and by God’s grace the members aim a target of 5.0 in the coming KCSE and even higher in the coming years.

Mr Sakiti Kevin - HOD
Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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